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The Match

Think of The MATCH as the ultimate clinical “dating” platform, connecting surgeons seeking specialized training, researchers looking for collaborators, and institutions eager to welcome top talent as visitors, trainees, or research partners.


This self-driven program empowers medical professionals to take charge of their careers, unlocking opportunities to learn, teach, and innovate on a global scale.

Current Opportunities

Microsurgery Fellowship at University of California Irvine


University of California Irvine (UCI) Medical Center

Letter of intent, CV, and 3 letters of reference



A one-year position in microsurgery is available beginning August 1, 2026, through July 31, 2027, at the University of California Irvine (UCI) Medical Center. The fellow will develop expertise in all aspects of microsurgery with an emphasis on breast reconstruction, in addition to performing lymphatic (super microsurgery), head & neck, hand & lower extremity, trauma, and peripheral nerve reconstruction. UCI is a level I trauma center as well as a comprehensive Cancer Center.


Fellows perform over 150+ free flaps per year, not including non-microsurgical cases. Opportunities are available for basic science and clinical research projects. Applicants should be eligible for appointment as Clinical Instructor at UCI Health and have a valid California State Medical License by the start of fellowship. The fellow will work with eight full-time faculty.

UCI is the only academic medical center in Orange County and serves a very diverse population. UCI recently acquired 4 hospitals to add to its growing healthcare system, in addition to opening its new Cancer Center & surgery center in Irvine last July 2024. Set to open in late 2025, is UCI’s new state-of-the-art all electric hospital on the Irvine campus with a focus on specialty care including microsurgery and complex reconstruction.

UC Irvine is located in Southern California, and its proximity to the beaches, the mountains, lakes, food and entertainment makes it a great place to live as well as to work.


Please send letter of intent, CV, and 3 letters of reference to: Gordon Lee, MD, Chief of Microsurgery & Breast Reconsruction, UCI Department of Plastic Surgery, 200 S. Manchester Ave, Suite 650, Orange, California, 92868. 714-456-3077.

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